Taxes and Seppuku during the Solar Eclipse

Friday, April 6th: Today I meant to start on the taxes. It was too cold to go outside and I had several episodes of the mini-series Shogun taped to remind myself that, as bad as taxes can be, at least I’m not a woman in medieval Japan.

“Please allow me to chop off my head so that I can join my noble father who committed seppuku for sneezing too loudly in front of Lord Ishimoto. I cannot live with the dishonor he has brought upon the family.”

I can still remember the first time I read Shogun. I couldn’t get to sleep. How could such a society have ever existed? So far, I’ve only seen the first couple of episodes of the televised version but … I don’t know. It seems a bit watered down. Poor old Mariko-sana. Will she be able to escape that icky husband and get it on with John Blackthorn? Especially now that the smelly barbarian has decided bathing isn’t such a bad thing?

Speaking of water … Friday it hailed!

Monday, April 8th: What a mistake it was to do taxes on the Solar Eclipse of the Sun Day. Something must be wrong. Solar flare? Moon fart? I’ll have to try again tomorrow! Wish me luck or I’ll be joining Mariko-sana in pleading for a quick death (which, by the way, does not get you off the hook with the IRS!)

My third book was based on a fourteen year battle with the Taxman. Fourteen years and more paperwork then you can ever imagine! It’s out of print now and will probably remain that way. I don’t know if I can rehash those painful years again. I’d much rather dabble in fantasy.

16 thoughts on “Taxes and Seppuku during the Solar Eclipse

  1. If ever there was a reason to disembowel yourself, the IRS is it.
    I’m watching the new Shogun as well. Stick with it as it does improve, although the lead actors pale in comparison to the original. I do like the fellow who plays Lord Toranaga though.

    1. I agree – the actor who plays Toranga has a fascinating face. I woke up this morning with a huge IRS headache. Our situation doesn’t change from year to year so I don’t understand why the process can’t be easier! Ah well.

    1. They are – like so many things, tax law needs reformation but the congress is too busy dealing with the MAGA lunatics to get anything sane accomplished.

  2. Wow, you sure did get hail! We didn’t get it here, just a downpour. Hang in there, I hope the taxes are complete SOON. I am almost finished with ours, fingers crossed for a simple end to THAT stupid project.

    1. I was so mesmerized by the hail I just stood on the porch and watched it. We’re on a hill and so that’s probably why we got hammered more than the valleys.

  3. I like your sense of humour, Jan.

    Shogun – read it & agree

    Taxes – just sent them in & agree

    Rehashing painful years – reliving one’s life – agree

    Thank you for the humour!

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